Thursday, November 17, 2005

And so it begins....

I was looking at my daughter's site (A 4th level Games Chick's Tome of Knowledge) and suddenly decided it was time to do the same.

I'll use this area to ponder ideas big and small and hold them up to the scathing light of reason of the vast public. We'll see which ones survive intact, which ones get modified, and which ones crash and burn.

It'll be fun.

I have a great respect for ideas both serious and whimsical. I simply ask that if you comment on a post that you do also.

Attack ideas - not those who posted and commented on them.

Push ideas to the limit - with the understanding that we're all doing this to refine and hone them.

Don't worry about political correctness - but don't insult simply to insult.

The official motto will be:

"The aim of an argument or discussion should be progress, not victory." - Joseph Joubert

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