This has been an interesting morning.
I'm pretty security conscious.
Imagine my surprise when I pulled up my e-mail this morning and found 2 e-mails from blogger in response to my request for information on my account.
Oh, and someone opened an account at another site using my e-mail address.
Now one without the other gets my interest but it's easy to figure someone was fat fingering something. Both together.... well, that makes me wonder.
Now that notice I got about the new account at that other site included the login and password. The login is similar enough to mine that it could still be a simple mistake. The info from that account gives me a decent indication of who that person is and which part of the word they're from.
I've sent a note to that site asking them to close down that account. So if you're reading this and that account goes dead. Now you know why.
One of the reasons I like Havatar as a name is that no one else uses it. Is this a simple weird case of someone suddenly latching onto the same name or is something else afoot? Time will tell.